I’ve overcome many challenges in my life including both expected and unexpected changes; I know first hand how scary change can be! I want to share my scientific approach with the world – so more people can benefit from using spirituality, intuition and common sense to create greater prosperity, creativity and Divine Love in their lives.

Change is hard, but its the only predictable thing about life. 

I believe that we can embrace change and even become the catalyst for the change we desire in our lives. In order to do this we have to let go of fear and expectations – living life with a beginners mind and with love, patience, and peace in our hearts.

Through realizing our divine nature, we can become aligned with the Universe and enter a profound state of higher consciousness.  My gift of this lifetime is to share this approach to life with my community, my country, and the world to awaken Divine love and joy in hearts everywhere.

Feel free to email me at support@popupmolly.com – I’d love to hear from you!

With Love,

Dr. Molly

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P.S. Please be sure to sign up for my FREE Manifest & Predict Your Future Web Training so we can manifest high vibes, positivity, and a higher state of consciousness into YOUR FUTURE.  Sending love and positivity your way xoxo

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