What are the keys to life satisfaction?

I’m embarking on a journey of self-exploration this year and one GIANT question I have is how do we define life satisfaction, purpose, and happiness?


A desire to change our life into something better stems from our own choices. Our choices comes from our beliefs. Those beliefs or mindsets develop from a view of self (self-image).

If we wish to improve our productivity, health, relationships, finances, or spirituality – all require that we establish a baseline of understanding and acceptance of who we are.

This is hard because most people believe the image they present to the outside world must be their self-image. It doesn’t have to be that way…


I’d love to hear what you think are the key components of a successful and fulfilling life.  I’ve come up with some ideas based on my own preliminary research and have posted the infographic below.

You can also take a quiz here to see how satisfied you are with your own life.

My main questions for you are:

1) Do you agree these six components are the keys to measuring life satisfaction?  What’s missing, if anything?  Are they equally importantly? If not, which are most important/least important?

2) Would you be interested in taking other quizzes like this to more deeply understand which components are most important to you personally and which offer the greatest opportunity for improved life satisfaction and fulfillment? Why or why not? If not, what would you prefer?

3) What are your biggest concerns when thinking about whether you are satisfied with your life?  How do you approach leading a successful and fulfilling life?

Hit reply and make some comment below…. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Dr. Molly Ann

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